Wellionaire Living is all about living well intentionally!
Healthy, energetic, and abundant, are the simple things that make life satisfying. A well body, mind, spirit, home, environment, and existence.
There are many facets to being a Wellionaire and it all starts with the body. A healthy body ignites a well mind that is more able to receive and give more love, able to physically and emotionally enjoy the fruits of a lifetime of labor. It's pretty simple.
How we look and feel directly affects how we think, about ourselves and others, our home and work life, how we interact with one another, and our ability to physically and mentally create the life we want and deserve.
A Wellionaire is invaluable. It makes no difference how much money you have if you cannot use your body to enjoy it. We can design the one life we have, live it WELL, intentionally.
Learn About the 90WELL Program

about me
Call me Nettie...I'm originally from Chicago, and have been an entrepreneur in the wellness industry since 1994. What started as a career change after college into the healing arts, grew into a lifetime career and fascination with the rejuvenation abilities of the human body and how our bodies and minds thrive when we give them some consistent TLC.
Health & Wellness Coach
Metabolic System Practitioner
